About Us
The Office of the Seniors Advocate monitors and analyzes seniors services and issues in B.C., and makes recommendations to government and service providers to address systemic issues. The Office also provides information and referrals for individuals who are navigating seniors services and tracks their concerns, which helps inform future work.
The services which the Office monitors are in five key areas: health care, housing, income supports, community supports and transportation.
The Office collaborates with service providers, government and health authorities to improve effectiveness, efficiency and outcomes. A council of advisers, made up of B.C. seniors, provides the Seniors Advocate with advice and feedback from the perspective of seniors with diverse backgrounds, ages, geographical areas and cultures.
Each year, the Seniors Advocate must report to the Minister of Health on the Office’s activities, and reports whenever possible on issues and matters arising from the Office’s work.
Legislation outlining the mandate and duties of the Seniors Advocate was introduced in February 2013, and passed on March 14, 2013. Click here for the current version of the Seniors Advocate Act.