Seniors in B.C. live in a range of housing types, from detached homes, where they live independently, to long-term care, where they receive 24-hour care. Many seniors are homeowners whilst others rent. There are financial and supportive housing programs available to help both homeowners and renters. Learn more about these programs using the links below.
Resources for Seniors
There are two main sources of information on provincial government housing programs and services for seniors.
View the B.C. Government’s Seniors’ Housing website for information on:
- Home Improvement Assistance Programs
- Rental and affordable housing
- Supportive housing
View the BC Housing’s Housing Assistance website to learn more about:
- Rebate for Accessible Home Adaptations (RAHA)
- Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER)
- Assisted living
- Seniors’ supportive, rental and subsidized housing
View the Rental Supports Fact Sheet to learn more about:
- Renter rights in B.C.
- Legislated rental protections
- Dispute resolution
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Can I get help paying my rent?
A. The Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER) provides monthly cash payments to subsidize rents for eligible B.C. residents age 60 and over with low to moderate incomes. Application forms are available online at BC Housing offices, or you can have one mailed to you by calling 1-800-257-7756.
Q. I’m being evicted; what can I do?
A. The first step is to find out if your landlord has the right to evict you. The provincial government’s Residential Tenancy Branch has information on the legal rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants. There is also the non-government Tenant Resource & Advisory Centre which can provide information, referral, advice and even full representation.
If your eviction is legal, or has already happened, contact BC Housing to find out more about emergency, supportive and subsidized housing options for seniors.
Q. Can I get help paying my property taxes?
A. The Property Tax Deferment Program allows eligible seniors to defer property taxes at a lower-than-prime interest rate as long as they own their home.
Q. I need to modify my home to be more accessible. Will government help me pay for this?
A. Through BC housing, there is financial assistance available for eligible low-income seniors and people with disabilities to continue to live in their own home. The BC Rebate for Accessible Home Adaptatiosn (RAHA) program offers up to $20,000 for items such as handrails in hallways or stairways, ramps, lever handles on doors and grab-bars for showers and tubs, among other modifications.
Residential Tenancy Branch
604-660-1020 (Lower Mainland)
250-387-1602 (Victoria)
1-800-665-8779 (Elsewhere in B.C.)Tenant Resource & Advisory Centre
or 604-255-0546Seniors’ Subsidized Housing
Rebate for Accessible Home Adaptations (BC RAHA)
Shelter Aid For Elderly Renters (SAFER)
Home Owner Grant
250-387-0555 (Office)