Long Term Care and Assisted Living Directory – Information and Reports

Definitions of Indicators-Long-Term Care
Definitions of Indicators – Assisted Living
If you have questions about the data in the Long-Term Care Directory, contact our office at 1-877-952-3181.
If you have questions about a particular care home, contact the facility directly.
The British Columbia Long-Term Care and Assisted Living Directory (the Directory), lists information about publicly subsidized long-term care facilities and publicly subsidized assisted living residences in B.C.
The information is compiled from several sources including: the facilities/residences, the Ministry of Health, Health Authorities, the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) and the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC). The Directory also contains links to facility level results from our 2023 Long-Term Care Resident and Visitor Survey. Excluded from the directory are facilities that offer specialized services to unique populations that are not part of traditional long-term care for seniors.
The Directory was first published in hard copy in 2016 and 2017. After that, it became an online directory that is refreshed once a year and updated if a facility/residence reports a material change in their information. The most recently completed fiscal year of data is included in the directory. To ensure privacy of individuals, some data has been suppressed for facilities/residences with a small number of residents (usually less than 5). This is the same standard used by the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI).
The latest update was published on November 27, 2024, and includes the following updates:
- The Directory now identifies when facilities have both publicly-subsidized long-term care beds and assisted living units at the same location.
- Wait time reporting online was updated for facilities in IHA, FHA, VCHA, and VIHA. The new reporting focuses on wait times for new clients admitted from the community as non-urgent cases, rather than for all new admissions which includes both urgent and non-urgent cases.
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