COVID-19 Statistics
BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC)
The BCCDC provides the latest data on COVID-19 in British Columbia, including a dashboard that summarizes COVID-19 information by health region and the entire province. Information includes cases, hospitalizations, critical care admissions, recoveries, testing, deaths and vaccination administration.
BC COVID-19 Data
BC COVID-19 Dashboard
COVID-19 in Long-Term Care
The number of newly diagnosed cases of COVID-19 decreased from 235 cases in the week ending January 13, 2021, to 26 cases in the week ending December 7, 2022. There were 136 new cases in the four weeks between November 10, 2022, and December 7, 2022, compared to 73 in the previous four week period.

Provincial Health Officer
The Provincial Health Officer provides regular modelling updates on COVID-19 cases in British Columbia.
Government of Canada
The Government of Canada provides summary information of COVID-19 cases across Canada and over time. The data provides an overview of hospitalizations and deaths, testing, variants of concern and exposures.
COVID-19 Daily Epidemiology Update