COVID-19 Update: July 2021
B.C.’s Restart Plan
On June 15, 2021, the province moved to Step 2 of the BC Restart Plan and on July 1, 2021 we moved to Step 3. Masks are still recommended in all indoor spaces until you are fully vaccinated, 14 days after you have had your second dose of the vaccine. People are expected to stay home if they are ill and to be tested if symptoms develop. The restart plan was initially implemented on May 25, and progression through all four steps will depend on the number of adults vaccinated, COVID-19 cases counts, hospitalizations and deaths, and the number of clusters and outbreaks.
June 29 News release
June 10 Modelling presentation
June 28 Modelling presentation
Four-step restart plan
Provincial Health Officer Orders
While provincial restrictions have eased substantially in Step 3 of the Restart Plan, masks are still recommended in all indoor spaces and businesses will continue to keep safety plans in place. Provincial restrictions are made by the Provincial Health Officer under the Public Health Act and others are made under the Emergency Program Act (EPA). The state of emergency under the EPA was lifted at midnight on June 30 but the B.C. public health emergency will remain in effect through Step 3 to support amended public health orders.
Provincial Health Officer’s Orders
Guidance on Restrictions
Travel Restrictions
COVID-19 in Long-Term Care
The number of newly diagnosed cases of COVID-19 decreased from 245 cases on January 13 to six cases in the week ending June 30. There were 30 new cases in the month of June compared to 74 in May.

Every Thursday, the B.C. Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) publishes updates on COVID-19 outbreaks in long-term care, assisted living and independent living.
Weekly COVID-19 Outbreak Report – Jun 30, 2021
Weekly COVID-19 Outbreak Report – Jun 23, 2021
Weekly COVID-19 Outbreak Report – Jun 16, 2021
Weekly COVID-19 Outbreak Report – Jun 9, 2021
Weekly COVID-19 Outbreak Report – Jun 2, 2021
COVID-19 Statistics
The BCCDC provides the latest data on COVID-19 in British Columbia, including a dashboard that summarizes COVID-19 information by health region and the entire province. Information includes cases, hospitalizations, critical care admissions, recoveries, testing, deaths and vaccination administration.
BC COVID-19 Data
BC COVID-19 Dashboard
The Government of Canada provides summary information of COVID-19 cases across Canada and over time. The data provides an overview of hospitalizations and deaths, testing, variants of concern and exposures.
COVID-19 Daily Epidemiology Update